13:27 sabato 20.04.2024

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Attack on Halabja city, 32 years ago
March 16th is the anniversary of Saddam Hussein's (Ba'athist) chemical attack on Halabja city in Kurdistan
16-03-2020 - This year marks the 32nd anniversary of the chemical bombing of the city, and all ceremonies commemorating the victims in order to prevent the spread of coronation have been canceled on the orders of the Kurdistan Interior Ministry.
In the past years, the survivors and citizens of Halabja, along with city officials, went to the city's huge cemeteries on this day and held martyrs' memorials.
The Iraqi army bombed the city of Halabja 32 years ago for five hours, killing 5,000 children, men and women, and wounding more than 10,000.
For many years after the disaster, children were affected by chemical bombing and defective children.
Ali Hassan Majid, known as Ali Chemical, who was the commander and agent of the chemical bombing, told the court 20 years later in self-defense that the attack was aimed at defending Iraqi national security.  His death sentence was upheld by the court In 2010, the attack was recognized as genocide by the Iraqi parliament and the Supreme Court of Crimes.  The image of Omar East and his child was chosen as the symbol of the city's oppression

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