22:03 giovedì 25.04.2024

Notizie dal Mondo

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Barzani: 37th anniversary of the Anfal massacre
Iraq must commit to compensating the survivors of the Anfal victims
01-08-2020 - In a message issued today, on the 37th anniversary of the ouster of 8,000 Barzani by the ousted Ba'athist government of Iraq, the head of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani called on the federal government to adhere to compensation for the survivors of the Anfal victims.
On July 31, 1983, thousands of members of the Barzani tribe were taken to deserts in southern Iraq, and indiscriminately killed on the orders of members of Iraq’s former Baath regime. 
Nechirvan Barzani said in his message: "Today is the anniversary of the Anfal massacre of eight thousand defenseless and innocent people of Barzani. The Ba'athists genocide them and moved them to the deserts of southern Iraq forever.”
And said again:
 "Following this crime, the mothers, wives and sisters of the disabled have borne the brunt of a bitter life and a miserable fate. These women must be fathers and brothers for their children and provide for them by enduring suffering and hardship.  Today we pay tribute to these wonderful mothers and sisters who endured this deadly life but never lost it.
In this message, Nechirvan Barzani praised the generous role of the citizens of Holier and its suburbs in Harir, Batas and Diana, who did not withhold any help from the survivors of the disabled, and with their support provided them with the opportunity to work to earn a living.
Barzani reminded the glorious souls of the Anfal victims and all the martyrs of Kurdistan that they will continue their efforts in Iraq and the world so that humanity does not suffer deadly suffering like Anfal and chemical bombing anywhere again.  And the Iraqi government must be committed to compensating the survivors of the Anfal victims.
You may be surprised to say that in the genocide of the Kurdish people in Iraq, the People’s Mojahedin Party of Iran, which was stationed in Iraq at the time, also buried thousands of innocent women and children.
The Iraqi Supreme Court has officially recognized the Anfal Campaign as constituting genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, however, the international community is largely yet to do so.

Courtesy of Jhanger Alee Malah

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