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John Bolton: Kurdistan independence will lead to stability in the Middle East
He criticized Trump for withdrawing troops from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan
01-11-2020 - John Bolton, a former adviser to the US National Security Council and former ambassador to the United Nations, believes that Kurdistan's independence will lead to lasting stability in the region.
Speaking to Kurdistan 24 on Friday evening about the US presidential election, Bolton criticized Trump for withdrawing troops from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. “The US president's decision to leave the Kurds in Syria alone,” Bolton said in an interview with Kurdistan 24 on Friday evening.  “We are fighting together against ISIS, and the attempt to withdraw all American troops from Iraq, and the fact that he has spoken openly about the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, has jeopardized the work of the whole region.”
As I have said many times, the independence of Kurdistan will lead to lasting stability in the region,” added the former US National Security Council adviser.
 “I'm not sure Biden is better than Trump. The Kurds and the Americans, who are concerned about the danger to the Kurds again, should do more to make someone worthy of the presidency and to continue our strong relationship with the Kurds” he said.
 “According to opinion polls, Biden is leading, but in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton was also in the lead and did not win,” John Bolton said of the outcome of the next three-day US election, stressing that predictions were difficult.
In the conversation, he described the normalization of relations between the UAE and Bahrain and Israel as a geopolitical shift in the region that has taken place because of Iran's support for militants in the region, not because of its nuclear threat.
As you know, Erdogan has talked to Trump many times about the Hulk Bank,” Bolton said of the US-Turkey relationship and the US waiver of sanctions on Iranian assets, especially by the Hulkbank. 
In the United States, the public prosecutor has also questioned a number of high-ranking officials of the bank for violating sanctions against Iran.  
If an American bank eased sanctions on Iran and lied to the government, I am sure it would have been punished more severely. ... But in the end, the Hulkbank lost, and if Biden wins, it will be punished 100 percent.”
 “A number of members of the US administration tried to explain to the President that the Kurds were at war with ISIS and especially with the fall of their caliphate in Syria," the former US ambassador to the United Nations said of the Kurds' role in countering terrorism and the war against ISIS.  “They have played a key role.”
At the end of the conversation, he stressed that if Joe Biden becomes the next President of the United States, he should realize the importance of the Kurds and said: “Trump will not be good .... We all see this clearly.  I think Biden is also insecure and vague ... Kurdish friends in the United States and his advisers should work more with Biden and explain to him the need to support the Kurds.”

Jhanger Alee Malah

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