01:23 sabato 20.04.2024
Pope Francis in Erbil, Kurdistan
Pope Francis thanked the Kurdish people from the bottom of their hearts
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07-03-2021 - Moments ago, the Lord's Supper ceremony at the François Hariri Martyr Stadium in Holier ended with the presence of Pope Francis, who thanked the Kurdish people and the political leadership of the Kurdistan Region from the bottom of his heart as he said goodbye.
At the end of the Lord's Supper, Pope Francis said, “I thank the Kurdish people from the bottom of my heart. Now is the time for me to return to Italy, but you will always remain in my heart. May God bless you.
The Church is alive in Iraq, Christ is also alive in Iraq. Your patience calls me to the Iraqi Hajj,” Pope Francis said in Italian language, during a communion prayer at the François Hariri Stadium in Houllier.
 "Here in Iraq, many of your brothers have borne the brunt of the wounds of violence and war,” said Pope Francis, who interpreted verses from the Bible during the Lord's Supper at the stadium of Martyr François Hariri.
The Pope added that the human heart must be pure and free from lies and hypocrisy, which we all have a part of.
Pope Francis went on to say that all of us must get rid of the desire for power while our brothers and sisters suffer from visible and invisible suffering, we must walk towards peace and stay away from lies and hypocrisy.
On his return from Mosul this afternoon (Sunday, March 7), Pope Francis arrived at the stadium of Martyr François Hariri in Houllier and delivered a speech in Italian after a grand reception by high-ranking officials of the Kurdistan Region during the great Lord's Supper.
The grand ceremony, which was organized in the presence of Pope Francis, was attended by Nechirvan Barzani, the head of the Kurdistan Region, and Masroor Barzani, the prime minister of the Kurdistan Region.
The Lord's Supper is one of the special and glorious traditions of the Christian religion, and the Pope has held this ceremony in many countries.
Representatives of all ethnic and religious identities of the Kurdistan Region attended the glorious welcoming ceremony of Pope Francis.
This morning, Pope Francis paid an official visit to the Kurdistan Region and was warmly welcomed by the high-ranking officials of the Kurdistan Region. 
Regional and world media also widely reported on the Pope's important and historic visit to the Kurdistan Region, and the issue of religious tolerance, cultural tolerance and coexistence, and the establishment of democratic values in the Kurdistan Region, and the respect and acceptance of the Kurdistan Region for its Christianity.
After meeting with Pope Francis, Barzani wrote on his Twitter account that the pope's visit emphasizes our common values.
Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani met with Pope Francis at Holier International Airport, during which Pope Francis thanked Barzani for accepting Christian refugees and other ethnic identities in the Kurdistan Region.
After meeting with Pope Francis, Barzani wrote on his Twitter account: “I am pleased to have welcomed Pope Francis in Holier.  "Pope Francis' visit to the Kurdistan Region emphasizes our common values of peace, coexistence and tolerance.
Jhanger Alee Malah

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