21:07 sabato 07.12.2024

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foto di: ELT Group
ELT Group at Euronaval 2024
The company showcases its electronic warfare capabilities for naval applications
04-11-2024 - ELT Group will take part in the 29th edition of Euronaval, Europe’s most important showcase for the naval community that will take place in Paris Nord, Villepont between 4th and 7th November.

With more than 70 years of experience in electromagnetic spectrum operation (EMSO) domain, ELT Group will show its solutions and capabilities for the Naval and Underwater domains protecting naval and maritime assets while projecting power at sea and providing a key contribution to the Maritime Domain Assessment.
The Group has a long-standing tradition in the naval sector and a strong record of successful domestic and international collaboration on key platforms like the Franco-Italian Horizon and FREMM class ships, the NFH-90 naval helicopter and a wide range of projects in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific. Our products boast high sensitivity, high accuracy, fully automatic surveillance functions and state-of-the art data processing.

Focus at Euronaval will be on its new generation Naval EWS suite developed for the FREMM EVO class, and capable now to include an integrated Anti-Drone capability through dedicated components and benefiting from the assets already available on board (CESM, RECM, EWC2), with a significant growth capacity through the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence.
ELT Group is then thrilled to present this pinnacle of innovation and excellence in our product line: ADRIAN, the Counter UAS, flexible to tailor by the customer according to different scenarios and environments, suitable both for naval units and maritime infrastructures and land applications. ADRIAN uses multispectral radar, optronics and acoustic sensors to detect, identify and counter drones.

The EWS suite will offer a wide range of countermeasures in the RF band to cover all types of threats, which can be further extended to the InfraRed spectrum through its DIRCM system for Naval application, able to protect the ship against the emerging new I/R Threats.

The core part of the EWS is the EMSO C2, exercising the Distributed Electromagnetic Surveillance (ES) and providing a valuable contribution to the Maritime Domain Awareness. The EW Manager is its computer-aided command and control system integrating all electronic warfare subsystems and taking care of the cyber security of the system. Threat information can be fused via the EW Manager and shared with other users on or off the vessel, manned and unmanned. As well as integrating its own electronic warfare products, the EW Manager can work with third party products from other suppliers.

A peculiar attention is given by ELT Group to the Underwater domain, which is gaining increasing strategic relevance because of its very wide range of applications; at the same time is the new frontier where the defence world is beginning to confront itself.
The EWS for the U212 NFS submarines class represents the key reference. This EWS suite is characterised by a new highly innovative integrated antenna, able to cover the whole Radar and Comms Spectrum, allowing detection and direction finding with outstanding performances.

Visitors to ELT’s stand (Hall 6 G36) can also experience the EW Naval Simulation Lab: an immersive and high-fidelity simulation centre where the naval EW operator can test his ability to analyse and identify radar threats, apply EW countermeasures to appreciate their effectiveness. It has been developed using powerful simulators capable of in-depth modelling of all aspects that characterise a complex EW naval environment.
The Simulator can be visited on Monday 4th November at 3:30 PM or on Wednesday 6th November at 11:30 AM


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