19:02 martedì 11.02.2025

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The United States Provides $12 Million in Additional Funding to Respond to the Devastating Earthquake in Afghanistan
From: reliefweb.int
13-10-2023 - A seguito dei terremoti di magnitudo 6.3 che hanno colpito l’Afghanistan nord-occidentale il 7 e l’11 ottobre, gli Stati Uniti, attraverso l’USAID, stanno fornendo 12 milioni di dollari in assistenza umanitaria immediata per soddisfare i bisogni urgenti delle persone colpite . Secondo le Nazioni Unite, i devastanti terremoti hanno provocato almeno 1.295 morti e feriti almeno 1.800 persone, e aggravano la crisi umanitaria in corso nel paese.

In response to the magnitude 6.3 earthquakes that struck northwestern Afghanistan on October 7 and October 11, the United States, through the USAID, is providing $12 million in immediate humanitarian assistance to meet the urgent needs of the affected people. The devastating earthquakes have resulted in at least 1,295 deaths and injury to at least 1,800 people according to the United Nations, and compound the country’s ongoing humanitarian crisis.
In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, USAID humanitarian partners quickly responded, conducting damage assessments and providing emergency humanitarian assistance, including medical care. This additional funding announced today includes support for USAID partner the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to continue to reach earthquake-affected people with urgently needed supplies including emergency shelter kits, cooking and water collection materials, blankets, solar lamps, clothing, and other household items. With infrastructure damaged in several villages, IOM provides water and supports water source rehabilitation to ensure earthquake-affected populations have safe drinking water. At the time of the earthquake, households in affected areas were already experiencing cases of acute watery diarrhea, a waterborne illness. Additional USAID assistance aims to prevent further disease outbreaks exacerbated by diminished access to safe drinking water.
The United States is the single largest humanitarian donor in Afghanistan, providing nearly $2 billion in humanitarian assistance for Afghans since mid-August 2021, including more than $1.46 billion from USAID. USAID’s Disaster Assistance Response Team, based in the region, continues to coordinate the U.S. response to the earthquake and is supporting U.S. partners to ensure aid is reaching the most vulnerable individuals, including women and girls, and through the meaningful participation of female humanitarian staff. USAID will continue to stand with the Afghan people to respond to humanitarian needs.

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