19:34 martedì 11.02.2025

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Al Qaeda is Not Dead, Defeated, or Degraded
From www.gcvfriends.com
21-01-2025 - Editor’s Note: According to the United States Intelligence Community, Hamza Bin Laden was killed in 2019, though numerous open-source analysts dispute this claim).

After Afghanistan was handed over to the Taliban in August 2021 by the Biden-Harris administration, the Taliban seized power. Thousands of members of theal-Qaeda network, including Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden and the current leader of the al-Qaeda network, entered Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda’s core leadership has previously pledged allegiance to Mullah Haibatullah Akhundzada, recognizing him as the Emir-ul-Momineen (Leader of All Muslims).
Today, the group operates more than 20 training centers and dozens of camps across Afghanistan to accommodate its members. These centers are equipped by the Taliban’s Ministry of Defense (led by Mullah Yaqoob) and the Ministry of Interior (headed by Sirajuddin Haqqani). The funding is provided by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Force IRGC, which then uses the trained operatives against the US military and other nations in the Middle East and Africa.
One of the questions I often get from the US and other NATO countries: Does al-Qaeda have the capability to launch attacks outside Afghanistan? The answer is straightforward: Yes.
Al-Qaeda currently possesses the time, resources, and equipment necessary to train its members and send them to European, African, and Central Asian countries. In 2022, a joint meeting was held between the Taliban, Iran’s Quds Force, and al-Qaeda, resulting in increased cooperation among them.

Another pressing question is whether al-Qaeda can conduct attacks within the United States. The answer, once again, is yes, though it requires further explanation. After the collapse of Afghanistan’s government and the withdrawal of US forces, Al-Qaeda regrouped with renewed vigor and enacted a strategy that keeps its core belief central: the key enemy is the United States.
Further investigation is required into the specific training these individuals received at their centers and their potential future activities. However, a real threat exists. These individuals have been trained and are now poised to carry out attacks.

Steps to Prevent These Threats
To prevent these threats, the following measures must be taken:
1. Conduct Comprehensive Security Evaluations:
Reassess and thoroughly review the security backgrounds of individuals who entered the country using the southern border after August 2021. This reevaluation will help identify potential risks and ensure national security is not compromised.
2. Take the Threats Seriously:
We must take these threats seriously to avoid repeating history. We must take a proactive approach to address the risks before they materialize.
3. Launch Military Operations Against Key Targets:
The United States should conduct military operations targeting these groups’ centers and key individuals inside Afghanistan. It is essential to act against them before they can act against us.
4. Establish a Strong Counter-Terrorism Force:
Collaborate with former Afghan security forces, including experienced and reputable Afghan generals, to establish a powerful counter-terrorism force. This force will be critical in identifying and neutralizing potential threats before they can endanger the US.
5. Immediately Halt Financial Aid to the Taliban:
The United States must urgently stop all financial assistance provided to the Taliban by the US government or Arab countries in the Gulf, especially Qatar and UAE. By implementing these measures, we can safeguard America from future risks and ensure that such threats are neutralized at their inception.

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