10:53 martedì 23.04.2024

Lettere a Cybernaua.it

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Rabia ha scritto a Cybernaua
Riceviamo una lettera da una ragazza afghana rifugiata a Roma
29-03-2023 - a Good afternoon everyone
I am Rabia Alizada, "women right and youth right activist from Afghanistan"
I study filosofia in tor vergata Roma Italy
Today I come here because of 3 important reason that I wanna say
First of all learning and job of girls and women’s in Afghanistan For nearly two years, schools, universities, and work have been closed for women, and they all live in a hopeless situation

I know women and girls who are not in a good state of mind and many of them lost their men in the recent wars and have no bread and women can't work and this poverty and hunger cause marriages under age. The sale of children and the death of mothers under the age that we should take this issue seriously

The second issue is legal immigration. As you all know, last month a ship with most of its passengers were Afghans sank seven hundred meters from Crotone, Italy, and we lost too much Afghan people If the European Union gives visas to Afghans these disasters will be avoided

And the third issue is to pay attention to the immigrants. I believe that if we had peace and security from our country I am sure that nobody never leave their homeland. When we leave our homeland with the hope of a bright future and come to a European country, so please the government.
European people as a whole, please be kind and avoid prejudice. For example, yesterday when I was coming here at the airport, a men that work in airport charged me 48 euros because only one centimeter of my bike's tires were outside the measuring frame, even though there were many passengers. Boden, who didn't stick to any of them, because I was an immigrant, stopped me and without any kind of weighing, I was entitled to seven kilos, but my bike was five kilos. I paid 48 euros for just one centimeter of my bike. I am a student. Because I didn't speak Italian, no one helps me, they don't give me work, and they are prejudiced.
This is not fair.
Let's choose humanity in our religion and help each other.


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