07:42 venerdì 26.04.2024

Notizie dal Mondo

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Turkish military incursion into Iraqi Kurdistan
Large-scale artillery attacks by Turkey have hit Kurdish villages in the Kurdistan Region.
19-06-2020 - Turkey continues to violate Iraqi sovereignty, and in the latest case, Turkish forces attacked the Iraqi Kurdistan region of Dehuk province on the morning of Wednesday, June 17, 2020.
Sources (Cybernaua) in the Kurdistan Region have reported that large-scale artillery attacks by Turkey have hit Kurdish villages in the Kurdistan Region.
The Turkish military offensive in the province of Duhok in the Iraqi Kurdistan region comes 24 hours after the Iraqi army announced on Tuesday that 18 Turkish fighters had violated Iraqi airspace and reached the al-Sharqat area.
The Iraqi army called Turkey's airstrikes a provocative act and a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, and called for it not to be repeated.
Attack by Turkish fighters: meanwhile, Turkish fighters carried out airstrikes on Tuesday against a town in the northern Iraqi city of Al-Amadiyah, causing material damage to agricultural areas.
In this regard, Iranian Kurdish news sources reported on Tuesday that the artillery of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the Turkish Air Force simultaneously bombarded and shelled the "Alan" heights in the Haji Omran border region.
According to these sources, the attacks, which began at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Erbil, targeted the headquarters of the Kurdistan Workers' Party and the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran.
Kurdish sources quoted Democratic Party peshmergas as saying that no casualties had been reported so far.
Haji Imran is the border point between the Iraqi Kurdistan region and Iran, where the elements of the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the Peshmerga of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran are located.
The UAE has also called on Iran and Turkey to end military intervention in the Kurdistan Region
The UAE Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the Iranian and Turkish intervention in other countries and called on both countries to adhere to Iraq's sovereignty and international norms.
It should be noted that as the Lausanne Accords approached in 2023 and the Kurds approached to have an independent state of Iran and Turkey, they continued their hostile attacks against the Kurdish people and thought of occupying the Kurdistan Region.

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