10:19 sabato 27.07.2024

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Package of $40m Humanitarian Aid Arrives Kabul
From bakhtarnews.af
13-11-2022 - KABUL (BNA) Afghanistan has received another tranche of $40 million in humanitarian cash assistance, the country’s central bank said.
According to the Da Afghanistan Bank, the amount arrived from donor countries to help the people of Afghanistan on Tuesday.
“A cash of 40 million US dollars has arrived and has been handed over to a commercial bank as part of the humanitarian aid of donor countries to Afghanistan,” the bank said in a brief statement.
This is the country’s third tranche in a month, following $80 million in two separate tranches to cope with the humanitarian crisis.
The bank welcomed the aid and urged the international community to interact and cooperate with Afghanistan in other areas in order to help its people.

In the series of humanitarian aid to Afghan people one billion USD has been arrived Kabul from donor and UN countries

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