15:11 sabato 27.07.2024

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Meeting on Afghanistan gets underway in Moscow
From //amu.tv
17-11-2022 - Special envoys from regional countries came together on Wednesday in Moscow to consult on the situation in Afghanistan.
Envoys from Russia, China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are all currently in the Russian capital for the format.
Known as the Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan, envoys are expected to discuss matters such as national reconciliation, inclusive governance, peace and stability in Afghanistan, and regional security.
Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the meeting on Wednesday, Iranian special envoy for Afghanistan, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, said that security in the region relies on security and stability in Afghanistan.
He said that countries in the region are making efforts to support a stable and safe Afghanistan.
“As much as Afghanistan improves in terms of politics and economy, it will naturally lead to security in the region,” Qomi said, adding that the issue of reducing the presence of terrorists would also be another result of regional cooperation.
“Today, developments in Afghanistan have created complex conditions for the people of Afghanistan, the countries of the region, and international security,” he added as quoted by Mehr News Agency.
Russian officials have confirmed that there will be no participation by the Taliban at the talks, even though the group took part in the last session of the Moscow format meeting held in October 2021.

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