06:29 sabato 27.07.2024

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Russia eager to participate in TAPI project: Kabulov
By pajhwok.com
23-01-2023 - KABUL (Pajhwok): Russia will also participate in TAPI transnational gas pipeline project if receives a proposal from partner countries, says President Vladimir Putin’s special representative for Afghanistan.
The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline will transport up to 33 billion cubic meters of gas per year through a steel pipeline to South Asian nations in desperate need of energy sources.
In an interview with Russian 24 television, Zamir Kabulov said:” Russia will also take part in the TAPI if receives a proposal from partners Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.”
He noted that the Russian president had previously stated that he would be willing to facilitate such a process.
According to him, Russia has always supported this project as “important not only for Afghanistan itself, but also for the greater Asian continent, which is experiencing a growing shortage of hydrocarbons.”
“This is an integral part of the Russian strategy of turning towards Asia, and this is its economic part, so we are ready to join this [project] with interest,” Kabulov explained.
Russian Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov recently claimed that Russia does not rule out participating in the TAPI project in an interview with Pakistani TV channel PTV World, according to Interfax.
“We are not in this project at the moment, but we do not rule out the possibility of Russia participating in this project”, he said.
Various issues need to be resolved, of course, including issues concerning the security of it [passing] through Afghanistan. But I don’t see particular difficulties here, because this matter is being discussed and we equally understand that such security can be ensured, Shulginov added.
Yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Office said the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was ready to launch practical work on the project and if needed, a special security force would be established in this regard.

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