06:21 sabato 27.07.2024

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Qatar willing to expand its investments in Kurdistan, foreign minister tells Kurdish president
From www.kurdistan24.net
26-02-2023 - The Kurdistan Region would fully support the Qatari investments in the Region, Barzani told Al-Thani, according to the statement
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – In his meeting with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani in Germany’s Munich, the Qatari Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani on Friday expressed his country's willingness to expand the investments in Iraq's Kurdish region.  
Barzani and Al-Thani met on the sidelines of the 59th Munich Security Conference, where the Kurdish president has held several top meetings with leaders of the participating countries.
The Gulf country’s minister conveyed “Qatar’s willingness to expand job and investment opportunities in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region,” according to a statement from the Kurdistan Region Presidency.
The Kurdistan Region would fully support the Qatari investments in the Region, Barzani told Al-Thani, according to the statement.
Doha and Erbil have recently developed their diplomatic and economic ties further.
Prime Minister Masrour Barzani on an official visit to the Gulf country last year discussed bolstering business and investment opportunities with Qatari leaders, including Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.
The Kurdish president held a number of high-level meetings with other officials, including with Armenian, Polish, and Iraqi prime ministers on the sidelines of the gathering.
Erbil-Baghdad relations and continued talks
The outstanding issues between the Kurdistan Region and Iraq’s federal government were highlighted during the meeting between Barzani and Prime Minister Mohammad Shia' Al-Sudani on Friday, according to a press release shared by the Kurdish presidency.
The officials “commended” the ongoing talks between the two governments on the basis of the constitution, adding the challenges Iraq faces require “collective efforts” of all sides, the statement added.
Al-Sudani and Barzani also spoke about the latest visit by an Iraqi delegation to the US, where they discussed a range of topics, particularly the value of Iraqi currency and the measures taken by the country’s Central Bank to stabilize the dinars following months of fluctuations.
In a meeting with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Friday, Barzani, among other topics, discussed the Erbil-Baghdad relations with the European leader.
They also spoke about commerce, trade, and academic exchange, according to another press release by the presidency
US continues support for Iraq, Kurdistan Region
Barzani on Friday met with the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Dr. Celeste Wallander on the sidelines of the event, where they discussed the latest developments in the fight against terrorism.
The US official said her country would continue the support for Iraq and Kurdistan Region as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement between Washington and Baghdad, according to a press release from Barzani’s office.
Barzani expressed his gratitude for the assistance the US had given to Iraq in the fight against terrorism, adding Washington’s continued support for the reform program of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs is “important and necessary,” the press release added.
Launched on Friday, the MSC, which is being attended by numerous high-ranking government officials, heads of state, prime ministers as well as members of the business and academic communities, focuses on the current foreign policy and security challenges the world is facing this year. 

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