06:24 sabato 27.07.2024

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Iran intelligence agency JAVA contracted the Taliban GDI to kill Pro-ISIS Salafists in Afghanistan
Is Taliban opening a new anti-Wahhabism front in Afghanistan?
28-02-2023 - I talebani stanno aprendo un nuovo fronte anti-wahhabismo in Afghanistan?
Exclusive: The military operation by the intelligence unit of the Taliban on a hideout of IS-KP in Khairkhani area of 17th district of Kabul city ended after an hour of fighting, as a result, two fighters of IS-KP were killed and one was captured alive. This is the third time in the past month in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, which the GDI intelligence agency of the Taliban has carried out deadly military operations on the hideouts of IS-KP.
Granting, the Taliban continuously deny the presence of Daesh in Afghanistan, on the other hand, in addition to the guerrilla attacks on members of the Taliban's GDI in the capital, Kabul, On January 22, Islamic State governor for India was killed in a drone attack in southwestern Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, one of sources from the Middle East reported that there was an agreement between Tajmir Javad, the deputy of the GDI administration of the Taliban, and Iran's Intelligence agency VAJA, For the sake of Iran's national sovereignty and Iran's security, the contract to kill the Salafists in Afghanistan is oversighted by Iranian Intelligence agencies…

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