04:33 sabato 27.07.2024

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President Barzani arrives in UAE to boost bilateral ties
From rudaw.net
09-03-2023 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani Thursday arrived in Abu Dhabi to discuss strengthening bilateral relations. 

The visit came following an official invitation from the United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, according to a statement from Barzani’s office. 

“Discussions are expected to focus on bilateral relations of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region with the UAE, areas of mutual cooperation, the situation in Iraq, the latest developments in the wider region and other issues of mutual interest,” read the statement. 

Barzani and Nahyan met hours after the former arrived in the capital city of Abu Dhabi.
Both leaders discussed "strengthening" bilateral relations, Barzani said in a tweet. 
The UAE is among countries that have provided the most aid to the Kurdistan Region after the Islamic State (ISIS) attack on Iraq and Syria in 2014. Emirates Red Crescent has been one of the key donors of Barzani Charity Organization (BCF) which runs most of the IDP and refugee camps in the Region. 

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