05:29 sabato 27.07.2024

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UN: Members can recognise caretaker Afghan govt
From //pajhwok.com
21-04-2023 - ATLANTA (Pajhwok): The recognition of a government is the authority of United Nations member countries based on it’s the organisation’s charter.
Secretary-general’s spokesman Stéphane Dujarric told reporters in New York: on Wednesday: “Recognition is the authority of the member countries of the UN and the fact is based on the charter of this body and there is no room for question.”
Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said the organisation planned to arrange a conference in coming days on granting recognition to the Taliban, stressing the need for engagement with the de facto Afghan authority.
She added: “And out of that, we hope that we’ll find those baby steps to put us back on the pathway to recognition [of the Taliban], a principled recognition.”
Mohammed asked. “Is it possible? I don’t know. [But] that discussion has to happen. The Taliban clearly want recognition, and that’s the leverage we have.”
Referring to the Mohammad’s comments, Dujarric said: “She has stressed on the need for a coordinated international strategy and to find a common ground for long-term ideas and send the Taliban a message that the Afghan women must have a place in society according to their rights.”
He added Secretary General Antonio Guterres would host a meeting in Doha, the capital of Qatar, on May 1-2.
Representatives of participating countries will talk behind closed doors about their shared interests based on the situation of Afghanistan.
About interaction with the caretaker government, he said: “The secretary-general believes that establishing a framework for realistic, principled, strategic patience and flexible engagement is an urgent priority.”
The spokesman did comment on whether or not a representative of the caretaker government in Kabul would participate in the meeting.
So far, no country has recognised the current caretaker Afghan government, which came to power I August 2021.

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