02:27 sabato 27.07.2024

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Karzai renews call for lifting curbs on education for girls
From //pajhwok.com
22-10-2023 - BUL (Pajhwok): Ex-president Hamid Karzai has called for the resumption of education for girls and the return of women to work.
The reversal of the restrictions on women was vital to the development of the country, he said at a meeting here with UN Special Coordinator for Afghanistan Feridun Sinirlioğlu.
In a statement from his office, the former president called national understanding the only way to bring durable peace and stability to the country.
During discussions on the current situation in Afghanistan, Sinirlioğlu expressed his condolences and sympathies for the victims of the recent earthquakes in western Afghanistan.
While commending the UN for helping Afghanistan, Karzai underlined the world body’s critical role the in maintaining international peace and security.
He went on to acknowledge Sinirlioğlu’s efforts to improve Afghanistan’s economic situation and ensure lasting peace in the country.

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