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The Islamic Emirate is trying to provide a suitable platform for media activities in Afghanistan
From avapress.com
30-10-2023 - Maulavi Naim-ul-Haq Haqqani, the head of the Government Information and Media Center, in a meeting with the officials of the Afghanistan Journalists Union, said that the Islamic Emirate is committed to freedom of expression within the framework of Islam and Sharia and always tries to create a good and suitable platform for the activities of free media.Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Today (Wednesday, October 25, 2023), the press office of the Government Information and Media Center wrote on X social network that Maulvi Naim-ul-Haq Haqqani met and discussed with the officials and members of the Afghan Journalists Union.
At the beginning of this meeting, the officials and members of the journalists' union talked about the economic problems of the media and asked the leadership of the information and media center of the government to cooperate with them to solve this problem.
Maulavi Naim-ul-Haq Haqqani, head of the government's information and media center, said in this meeting: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed to freedom of expression within the framework of the religion of Islam and Sharia and always tries to create a good and suitable platform for media activity.
Mr. Haqqani added that the Government Information and Media Center acts as a bridge between the government, the nation and the media.
In the continuation of his speech, he said that the information and media center of the government is trying to expand the level of interaction and cooperation with the media and to deal with their problems properly.
It should be mentioned that economic problems, lack of access to information and lack of safety are among the biggest challenges of journalists.
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