05:33 sabato 27.07.2024

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Turkish drone kills off-duty Peshmerga in Duhok
From www.rudaw.net
06-12-2023 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A Turkish drone on Tuesday killed an off-duty Peshmerga fighter in Duhok province and injured a shepherd. The bombardment took place near a populated area.  

Ali Jamil, 44, walked to an area only 250 meters away from his house in Duhok province’s Bamarne subdistrict early Tuesday, but a Turkish drone targeted him at around 7:00 am, injuring him and a nearby shepherd. 

Ali succumbed to his injuries and the 23-year-old Matin Sadiq, a shepherd, is receiving treatment at the Duhok Emergency Hospital, their families and a local security source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told Rudaw.

“We had guests. He was with us until 10:30 [last night].
After that, we went to his home. I do not know what happened next,” Jamil Kalash, Ali’s father, said, adding that he does not know why his son went to the targeted area. 

Ali is survived by four children.

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