11:02 sabato 27.07.2024

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Russia, Pakistan to discuss recent Afghan developments
From www.afghanistantimes.af
30-01-2023 - Kabul: Pakistan and Russia would review progress of the interim Afghan government in fulfilling the commitments made with the international community for forming an inclusive government, and to denying terrorist outfits a space to operate from its soil, Pakistani media reported.
Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto, who is currently in Moscow, would meet his Russian counterpart, Sargey Lavrov on Monday (today) and one of the major issues that would top the agenda would be Afghanistan, The Express Tribune reported.
Zardari’s first visit to Moscow as the foreign minister of Pakistan comes at a time when this country is concerned over the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its affiliates which Islamabad says is being provided safe haven in Afghanistan..
Russia too is worried over the growing footprint of Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group, which poses a threat to Moscow.
Ahead of the Bilawal-Lavrov meeting, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a tweet that the two top diplomats would discuss the fight against terrorism and a number of regional topics, including the state of affairs in Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine.

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