11:33 sabato 27.07.2024

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60,000 Peshmergas under the Ministry of Peshmerga: KRG Official
From www.kurdistan24.net
23-02-2023 - The official touched upon numerous key issues, including the KRG reform agenda and negotiations with Baghdad on the 2023 budget bill.
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The Head of the Coordination and Monitoring Department of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Abdul Hakim Khasraw, on Wednesday gave an exclusive interview to Kurdistan 24.
The official touched upon numerous key issues, including the KRG reform agenda and negotiations with Baghdad on the 2023 budget bill.
Khasraw confirmed that the first step of the ninth cabinet of the KRG was to reform and re-activate the service council.
He also said that the head of the service council is a member of the senior KRG delegation to Baghdad, which determines the future of the Kurdistan Region’s general budget for 2023.
When asked about the latest development regarding Peshmerga reform, Khasraw explained that 60,000 Peshmergas have come under the control of the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs. Their  pensions and retirement benefits have been transferred to the Ministry of Finance and Economy.
Moreover, the head of the Coordination and Monitoring Office reaffirmed that combating corruption is one of the main goals of the KRG’s ninth cabinet.

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