07:08 sabato 27.07.2024

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IEA condemns fresh Israeli attacks on Gaza
From //pajhwok.com
03-12-2023 - KABUL (Pajhwok): The ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) has condemned the resumption of attacks by Israeli forces on Gaza strip, according to a statement on Saturday.
Abdul Qahar Balkhi, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on his Twitter handle wrote: “Following a several-day ceasefire in Palestine’s Gaza Strip, the zionist occupiers again resumed attacks that had already left nearly 15 thousand martyred & 36 thousand injured, in addition to 200 more martyred & 600 injured, mostly children & women, with numerous others still missing under the rubble of destroyed buildings.”
He said: “IEA calls on influential world & regional states, Islamic countries & purported human rights bodies to stop the ongoing genocide in Gaza & occupied Palestine territories, & to pave the way for a lasting solution to this issue.”
“The continuation of genocide in Palestine will dismantle the already flimsy credibility of international organizations & humanitarian conventions,” it added.

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