11:14 sabato 27.07.2024

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Economic, Electricity Projects Worth 4 Billion Afs Signed: Official
From Tolonews
25-03-2024 - The head of Facilitation and Investment of the Administrative Office of the Islamic Emirate, Ahmad Zia Khalid, said that these projects include the production of 23 megawatts of solar power in the Sarobi district of Kabul, the construction of two substations in Herat, the extension of a 220-kilovolt power line in this province, the construction of a commercial market in the Kot-e- Sangi area of Kabul city, and the establishment of a commercial center and residential apartments in Helmand province.
“The second project in Helmand province, in the city of Lashkar Gah, in first district, is the Luqman Hakim commercial market, a public-private partnership,” said Ahmadzia Khalid.
The head of the Islamic Emirate's General Directorate of Administrative Affairs said that the implementation of these projects will create job opportunities for hundreds of people, and the Islamic Emirate is currently providing more facilities for investment in the country.
“In this situation, the investor is ready, and the taxes that are collected are the right of the nation and the people,” said Noor-ul-haq Anwar, the head of the Islamic Emirate's General Directorate of Administrative Affairs.
Similarly, the acting Minister of Energy and Water, Abdul Latif Mansoor said that with the transparency provided by the officials of the Islamic Emirate in the investment sector, the interest of domestic and foreign investors in the country has increased.
"The Economic Commission of the Prime Minister's Office has transparently invested billions of afghani in projects, which is a revolution in our country, and we also want other investors to come to Afghanistan and invest," he said.
“As I previously mentioned, we produce 15 megawatts of electricity from solar energy in Kandahar, and the Zorlaristan company also produces 15 megawatts of electricity. Now, both companies have decided to produce 32 megawatts of electricity from solar energy in Naghlu dam,” said Suliman, a Turkish investor. 
The Ministry of Economy has previously stated that in the year 1402 , 114 projects worth 13 billion Afghanis were implemented by the Islamic Emirate.

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