03:52 lunedì 28.10.2024

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Kurdish security forces trained by Alpine troops
Courses in topography, first aid, combat in built-up areas, checkpoints and for snipers
10-06-2023 - The instructors of the 3rd Alpine Regiment of the "Taurinense" Brigade conducted courses in topography, first aid, combat in built-up areas, checkpoints and for snipers
Intense training activity conducted by the instructors from the  3rd Alpine Regiment of the "Taurinense Brigade", part of the Prima Parthica operation, who strengthened the activities in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, in favor of Peshmerga and Zeravani operational units.
On the basis of the needs represented by the Ministry of Peshmerga Affairs, the Alpine instructors conducted "map reading" topography courses, "medical" first aid in a hostile environment, "close quarter battle" combat in inhabited areas, "check point", basics for "sniper" snipers.
The training activities were aimed at about 200 students, coming from operational units of the Kurdish security forces "Peshmerga" and "Zeravani", which ensure the security and stability of Iraqi Kurdistan.

In the Training Center, on the morning of 30 May, 125 military course-goers concluded their training in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Peshmerga Affairs (MoPA) Abdul Khaliq Babiri, of the director of the Kurdish Regional Security Council Shakawan Miro Lashki, of the Chief of Staff of the MoPA, Lieutenant General Issa Ozeir and of the Zeravani commander, Major General Aziz Waysi.
At the end of the exercise, the highest military authorities of the "Peshmerga" and "Zeravani" thanked the Italian defense authorities for making it possible to conduct these courses, with the hope that they can be increased.
The Chief of Staff of the Peshmerga has highlighted that the conduct of these courses will make Kurdistan a safer territory with the hope that the soldiers who have attended them will share this experience with their colleagues.
The commander of the Zeravani also noted that the conduct of these courses showed how Italians and Kurds can work together and how all this represents a bridge for relations between the two countries.

Activity of the tutorial
The activity involved a tactical act on the ground, with the aim of regaining control of a village occupied by troops of an irregular army, by conducting combat actions in inhabited centres. At the same time the repositioning of "snipers" was carried out, snipers in the regained dominant positions and in rapid succession proceeding with the positioning of checkpoints to control traffic/mobility. In this context, first aid was provided to the wounded and their exfiltration through the intervention of military rescuers in a security setting.

Maria Clara Mussa

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